
JM Santos
6 min readJan 1, 2021


Life offers a lot of surprises, isn’t it so? There are some things that logically make sense but other things, we can’t seem to comprehend how it happened. How many possibilities exist beyond our logical thinking?

Maybe we just don’t realize how we are interconnected with each other.

They say we meet someone in our life because there’s a purpose behind it. A purpose that soon we will be able to realize. How come a stranger be one of the people that are important in my life?

It was an unusual afternoon, I was in a hospital accompanying my auntie for her check-up. While she was inside the laboratory which I cannot go inside, I was told to go around to past time while I wait. While roaming the hospital, looking for a spot where I can sit & relax I had thought, why not just go outside and enjoy the fresh air of nature?

As I enjoy the outside view, I looked into my social media to check for some updates on my accounts.

When I started my social media accounts, I don’t have any idea how to make “friends” with anyone. It was just click add as a friend, add, and add until the platform returns no suggestions anymore. I managed to make “friends” with a lot of people just by doing that. I didn’t know them mostly, but we’re friends, right? When you become friends, you can now see what they are thinking about through statuses, you can now see what they are interested in, at least, through their posts and what they are doing, if they share it. In other words, you can now resonate with them and by resonating with them you have the opportunity to connect.

As I was scrolling on my social media feed, I was able to resonate with a stranger. A stranger that I didn’t how we became friends on that platform but somehow I can resonate with. Maybe it was I who clicked that add as a friend button or maybe it was the other way around. I have a funny feeling it was the other way around. It was a stranger that seems lost and hurt, was my initial impression. I don’t have any idea but there seems to be something beneath me wanting to ask how things are going well? I’ve been thinking about it for quite a few minutes. I wanted to give that stranger the hope that tomorrow will be better. That there is a greater day she deserves. It was awkward but I felt some sort of excitement and curiosity after I finally pressed that send button.

And that’s how my life got started with the stranger and I was called already that my auntie is done and we can go home.

As the days passed, we continued our conversations… Those simple exchange of words with a stranger lasted for many days to come forward. Knowing we’re both strangers to each other, it was a challenge to share a deeper meaning to a lot of things. Trusting a stranger with your story may cause some security vulnerabilities. But, we continued having these conversations, and each day we continued removing those barriers little by little until to the point where we can now see it without another layer.

Life conversations aren’t ordinary; they are extraordinary. It isn’t just ordinary conversations where you tell stories about the latest trends on the internet. It talks about more than that. Life conversations go beyond that. A life conversation talks about how things were done, why things supposed to be that way, where is the root cause, and many more. It doesn’t mean you will know the meaning of life, but it takes a little step towards that. It is like a conversation where you can carry the information and apply it to your life to improve. Bumping into someone who can speak in the context is rare. I think the people who are interested in life conversations are the people who take the time to sit down and be still. People who observe things within their environment. People who take down notes to improve. People who experienced such hardship and gain the wisdom of that experience. Maybe it is true that people who experienced such hardship know deeper about life.

During those times, this stranger became the person who I wanted to have conversations most of the time. She doesn’t just reply just to say or show she was able to reply. She listens and replies with meaning and have that sense of understanding of the conversation. She often goes deeper and I’ll just smile while reading the response and realize how great she really is.

When things get tough and I mean very tough, it’s hard to find someone who will take time to listen. There were these months where I had a very tough battle. I was lost, hurt, and sad with my life. It was like I am breaking down during those months. It was a struggle getting up every day and looking up into the mirror how messed up I look. During these moments, it was crucial for me to have someone that I can talk to because I was drowning in my own thoughts. It’s not like I can just tell up to everybody my story because it’s also hard to find a person who truly listens, who will understand the story and take care of it.

I don’t recall how and when did I tell the story on a deeper to this stranger but I had on my memory why I did it. I shared my story with her on a deeper level because it felt very safe. It literally feels safe knowing that the story that I’m going to tell her is crucial to what’s happening to my life. I think the word I am looking for is trust. I trusted her even though we just met virtually and don’t have any backstory. I guess the bricks from the walls we broke for us to get closer are the bricks we used to build trust with each other. She doesn’t have any responsibility but she showed care even virtually. That’s when I’ve realized that despite people are far away from each other, they can still make a difference in someone’s life. It is not about the distance, it is about the compassion that makes a difference and brings value.

There’s a saying that a stranger is your biggest fan. Why is that? Could it be because we are just scratching the surface of life and don’t have enough experience yet together? Or maybe it was just I met a stranger who is supportive — plain and simple. My family and close friends are supportive of me as well. It just amazes me how a stranger will be supportive of you as well.

I shared the ideas I want to execute and the goals I want to achieve with this stranger. And on that, she gave her utmost support to that which builds more confidence within me. It was like the saying “teamwork makes the dream work”. I’m beyond grateful knowing I got someone — a stranger who also believes in me and helps me achieve things.

This stranger isn’t ordinary. She is weird and extraordinary! Why would you want an article as a gift? Err, it still doesn’t make sense to me! But, through this request, I was able to look back and say to myself that I’m really grateful for everything this stranger has done for me. Maybe that is the real blessing behind that request. Amazing request!

Cielo, you’ve been very special to me since I’ve met you — little cute stranger. Your presence means a lot to me as it helps me go much further in terms of achieving my ideas and goals. We are a thousand miles away from each other but I know you will be there when I need your support. I’m very much excited to witness your growth and see you achieve your goals and dreams. You are starting on a new chapter of your life and I’m so grateful that I am informed about it. As much as you support me, rest assured that my full support is with you as well. You helped me reach where I am right now and I’m willing to help you in any way possible as well to move you towards something you desire.

I want you to grow and blossom in any way you desire to be. I will be so honored to cheer you from the sidelines as you reach your goals and dreams. My ultimate goal here is to make sure I bring to you how grateful I am and I hope I’ve done that.

To close it out, you know how much I love running… I want to say that I don’t just like you to be part of my new year. A year is a short run. I want you to be part of my long run. Long run.





JM Santos
JM Santos

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