You Are Just Inexperienced

JM Santos
Blitzkrieg Motivation
2 min readMar 20, 2022


Photo by Angel Balashev on Unsplash

When you shift your perspective towards the obstacle and see that you have nothing to lose but gain. Then the game changes.

Every time you try to learn something you haven’t done before will take some time to get used to it. You have to understand that most of the things in life can’t be learned overnight. You can’t rush the process. You can’t rush the journey.

The hardships that you encounter in life mean the thing that you are doing is new to your system. It’s difficult to see it that way but that’s one of the ways to change the course of the game.

I remember when I had to learn how to do jumping ropes. It was difficult at first. My legs cramped, my hands got some wounds and mentally tiring. But, I did change my perspective. I changed how I see it. I Accepted that this is new to me and it will take time. Instead of me becoming frustrated why not enjoy the process? When I did that, every session is magical.

Do not be discouraged when the task in front of you is difficult. We all go through something difficult in life. Do not give up. Give yourself some time to adjust. Be patient. It takes time to build an empire. It takes time to change you. It takes time.

May you reach your dreams.

